Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Letter on Monday Sept 22

Hello World,

Wow... I don't even know where to begin with this week.  It was an
incredible week. So many miracles and blessings.. but also some crazy
days. Lets see... where to begin.  I guess I'll start off with letting
you know that I bowled a high score of 54 bowling last week for P-day.
Yep... I'm that good.

But Anyways this week started off pretty crazy... On Tuesday our phone
decided it didn't want to work anymore, our car got a nail in the tire
and we found out last minute we were having sister wide exchanges that
night.  So of course in the middle of the chaos I have to leave to the
Hamptons for exchanges and left Sister Cook with all the dirty work...
whoopsies.  Missionary work is a little difficult without a phone, car
or companion.

After exchanges Grandma Lugo- one of our favorite members wanted to
take all 4 of us sisters out to eat. So there we are just eating our
dinner when Grandma Lugo screams OH NO! She looks at me and smiles and
one of her teeth was completely gone... she swallowed it!  Poor Gma
Lugo.  It was just a day full of broken things.  Broken phone, broken
car, broken GPS and top it all off with Grandmas broken tooth.

On Thursday our Mission President came out to Terryville to interview
one of our investigators for baptism.  The whole day was incredible.
Our Mission President is one inspired man.  Sister Cook and I were
able to teach a lesson on baptism with him and then he interviewed
Melissa for baptism.  Half way through the lesson she runs in and
collects all the bottles of alcohol in her house and proceeds to pour
them all down her drain screaming, "I'm repenting, I don't want this
stuff in my house!" It was awesome! After the interview we all met
outside where President Calderwood said with tears in his eyes, This
family NEEDS the gospel.  Melissa and Jessica NEED this in their
lives.  The things they have experienced we do not understand and it
is NOT their fault.  It was a powerful experience and I'm so grateful
President Calderwood was willing to drive a couple hours to help us

Saturday was a big day for us. We were able to take Sister Mcgibney to
the temple. Sitting with her in the Celestial room was one of my
favorite moments on my mission so far.  We LOVE her so much and are so
happy she FINALLY was able to make it back to the temple.

We really just had so many miracles this week. Yesterday we were able
to teach Amy- a single mom that the Elders found while knocking doors
with President Calderwood (It was the first door they knocked and they
had a kneeling prayer with her).  The lesson was amazing.  Amy is SO
pure in heart.  We didn't even get halfway through the lesson and we
just felt so prompted to invite her to prepare for baptism.  She
accepted and is preparing to be baptized the 8th of November.  She
offered the most sincere heartfelt prayer at the end of our lesson.
It was just another miracle this week to add to the list.  This is the
Lords work and I feel so grateful to be laboring her in the vineyard
with Him.  Its SUCH a blessing.  I love and miss you all but I'm so
grateful for the privilege this is.  I hope you all have a great week.
We find out about transfers Saturday so I'll have news next Monday :)

Love Ya!
Sister Robertson

Pictures of the best day EVER! Temple trip with Sister Mcgibney :)

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