Monday, August 18, 2014

Letter on Monday, August 18th

Hey Everyone!

So we were blessed with a crazy busy week this week.  It was a
miracle.  We were honestly a little worried at the beginning of the
week because most of the people we are working with were headed out of
town...Something about this thing called summer vacation?? Does that
exist?! My mission veil has already made me forget... but anyways...
we decided to leave our week in Gods hands and he definitely filled it
better than we could have.  We were so blessed.

With a busy schedule sometimes you are have to change into your
prostelyting clothes after doing service and realize you've forgotten
your shoes :/ This may or may not have happened this week....Luckily
Sister Cook and I are excellent problem solvers and we stopped by the
local thrift town to picked me up some nice velvet slip ons.... the
kind that you'd most likely see your 90 yr old grandma wearingπŸ‘΅... Or
maybe the man behind the counter at 7 eleven.  It was definitely a
win-win situation.  We made it to our appointment on time and I found
myself some sweet new kicks! πŸ‘Œ

There was the craziest storm here on Wednesday.  There were cars just
floating in the streets.  No big deal right? Well we went down to work
out in our basement Wednesday morning and our basement had decided
that it wanted to be a swimming pool. Water was seeping in from our
window. So we call Deb... the woman who lives below us and she comes
down to take a look.... decides she doesn't think the window is all
the way closed and decides to open it... BAD IDEA.  This FLOOD of
water comes pouring in and Deb just goes "GOOD MORNIN DEB!" Maybe you
had to be there but it was just an awesome moment.

Speaking of awesome moments... this week Sister Cook and I passed a
church bus while driving our car.  Of course we had to take up the
opportunity to let them know we were doing Gods work too.  So we made
sure to honk and give some good waves and they just looked at us like
we were crazies... but hey... it was awesome anyways.

Sunday was the saddest day. Delia our investigator was planning to
come to church with us.  We had arranged a ride for her and she
facebooked and called us a few times Saturday to make sure we were
still planning on it.  She was SO excited.  So we get there on Sunday
to pick her up and her aid comes out to tell us that she'd gotten up
early to get ready for church πŸ’ πŸ’…πŸ‘° She was all ready in her
prettiest dress when she started puking.  So we went in to see her and
there she was, still in her church shoes with her stalkings on just
crying because shes so sick of being sick and just wanted to come to
church.  Poor Delia... stupid satan.

Anyways that was our week.  We get to join Elizabeth for her first
time to the temple this Saturday and are taking Sister Gonzales, a
returning member to do sealings.  We are super excited for them and so
grateful we get to join them.  I love the temple!

Hope you all have a great week.  If a church bus passes make sure you
atomic elbow the steering wheel!

Miss You!!

Sister Robertson

Monday, August 11, 2014

Letter on Monday, August 11th

Hey Everyone!

Thanks for all the birthday wishes! It was the best birthday EVER! We
had way too much fun.  Its really not missionary work... its
missionary fun.  I'm so cheesy :D Don't cha miss me?! :D

We totally crashed a party on Saturday.  Obviously I had to crash a
party on my birthday since I couldn't have my own ;) So long story
short, we were out knocking and we came to a house that has a sign on
the door saying something like "mmmbye2014 party- just come around
back" So we knock the door and then i'm like wait a sec... are they
having a party? Is this sign for today?! :D So the mom comes to the
door, assumes we are there for the party and waves us to the backyard.
So what do we do?? We crash the party of course.  Luckily there were
only like 3 high school kids back there playing video games. Can you
imagine if it would have been some raging party?! We were dying.  The
best part is we totally got the guys contact info for the Bayshore
missionaries. He said we are welcome back anytime.  It was probably
one of my favorite experiences thus far on the mission.  Leave it to
the mormon missionaries to crash your party.

Another awesome moment this week was when Sister Cook and I went to
help the elders out at a service project.  They gave us the assignment
of trimming the 8 foot hedges. Luckily Sister Cook is a beast and I
was able to resurrect my cheerleading skills and we trimmed the one big Siamese missionary. It was quite a sight... I'm
sorry you missed.  The pictures really wont do it justice.  We are

 It was Elizabeths 60th birthday on Wednesday so we had a joint
scripture study/ birthday party with Elizabeth, Sister McGibney and
Sister Lopez. I love those girls so much. It was so fun to celebrate
with them and then discuss something so dear to our hearts. I love the
members here!

The work here is going great! We are working with quite a few less
actives to help them get back to the temple. We get to go do baptisms
with a couple of them on the 23rd and one of the sisters we've been
working with will be getting sealed to her husband who passed away.
It's been such a privilege to help them prepare. Also the other day we
found 3 new investigators. One of them is a new mom with some family
members who are LDS, the other a nurse practitioner, and the last is a
young guy who works 2 jobs and said he could "use some Jesus in his
life". We've already seen so many miracles here and I feel so blessed.
Missions are the best!!

Well I hope you all have a great week! I miss you and love you!

Love your anciently old arthritis stricken sister,

Sister Robertson

1. Just some more yard work
2. Siamese missionary
3. Birthday lunch with Elizabeth
4. Birthday package! Yay!
5. Elizabeths birthday party