Monday, January 27, 2014

First letter from the field- January 27th 2014


Greetings from Siberia... Erhhh I mean Queens New York. It's freezing
over here! New York decided to welcome me with a HUGE blizzard!
Members have said it's the coldest winter in over 30 years... And I
believe them!! Our heater was broken the first night and my bedding
didn't come in time so my first night here was the longest night of my
life. But don't worry I'm surviving- I bribed the YSA missionaries
with the candy in my package to go pick it up for me. So thanks mom
for sending treats with my bedding :D

So I'm in Astoria Queens. I LOVE it here. The members in our ward are
amazing! We have two sets of Elders in our ward and then another set
of sisters serving in the singles ward. And guess what... Sister Lugo
is serving in the singles ward, so we are in the same district. We
were SO excited. It's the only district in the mission with two sets
of sister. It's the best, I've seen her almost everyday!

My trainer is SIster Joseph... Funny right... Our phone says
Jospeh.Robertson after every text and it cracks me up. She is the
sweetest person on the planet. She is from West Valley and went to BYU
for a semester studying food science. She's been out on the mission
for 4 months. She's great! We take the bus and subway everywhere. I
LOVE it! I ride past the Empire State Building every day and we can
almost always see manhattan. We went to visit a less active in Long
Island city this week... It was gorgeous. I'll send some pics :)

My mission president is amazing. Words don't even describe. Can't wait
to get to know him better.  So let's see my week. My first night was a
MAJOR blizzard. I've never experience cold like that. Walking to
appointments was crazy. Wednesday we shoveled and shoveled and
shoveled. I'm a pro now, shoveled more driveways then I have my entire
life :)

The world really does come to you here in New York. We had
appointments with a Chinese family Tuesday, dinner with a Columbian
woman Wednesday and some Pilipino woman on Friday. It's awesome!! Also
we ring buzzers instead of doorbells here. And we've only gotten lost
once which is pretty impressive considering the crazy bus system. I'm
proud of us.

Mom I have a new mom here so don't worry. She is a cute less active
Columbian women and she always ties my scarf before I leave. She's the
cutest! I'll tell you about our investigators in another private email
but they are great! I love them! Anyways I better run but I love you
all!! Thanks for all the support.

Sister Robertson
   P.s. You should know that I constantly look like Edward Scissor
hands or Junice from the SNL sisters skit. It's too cold to put my
fingers in the finger holes of my gloves so I curl them up...
unfortunately my companion hasn't seen Edward scissor hands or Junice
so I just laugh to myself. I think it's pretty funny :)

Thursday, January 16, 2014

MTC letter January 15th

HELLOO from the MTC.  Can't believe I've already been here a week.  They gave me my flight plans like my second day here.... Im basically just doing the drive through MTC.  I leave early Monday Morning for New York. I can't believe we are already getting ready to leave for the mission field. 

I have LOVED the MTC so far.  My companion is amazing.  We have just hit it off.  She is from Peurto Rico but lived in Florida for most of her life so she speaks English perfectly.  She did one semester at BYU last year but moved back to Puerto Rico because it was way too cold.  Haha New York is going to be an adjustment for her.  We get along great and work really well together. Both of our "investigators" have baptismal dates.  I'm so sad she will only be my companion for 5 more days.  We are going to bribe our mission president to send us to Bermuda together in the future haha. She is the best. 
Sister Lugo has been teaching me spanish.  Its the best.  She loves my terrible accent.  I usually just make up words. We have had a bunch of extra errands to run since she is international.  The other day we went to order her new name tags since hers said Lugo-Lopez instead of just Lugo.  They accidentally ordered her Elder name tags so we had a good laugh wearing the Elder tags.  We also locked ourselves out of our room the other night.  I was ironing and we both weren't wearing shoes so we had to sprint across the MTC shoeless and in pencil skirts with our running capris hanging out the bottom.  It was quite the site to see, everyone was laughing at us. We've had a great time together.  Also one of our investigator is obsessed with irish history so we decided during one of our study breaks to practice some Irish dancing.  Our district was pretty impressed. 
As Sister Training Leaders, Sister Lugo and I get to and teach the new missionaries in our Zone tonight.  I'm pretty excited to help them embrace their dork dot.  Our District is amazing.  We all are super close.  Just had to help some Elders in our district do their laundry.  One was about to use bleach with his colored clothes.  Haha they make me laugh.  We had an amazing testimony meeting the second night and we are all just super close.
I'm SO happy that I'm here.  This work is amazing.  The spirit is so strong here and I have already had the most amazing spiritual experiences.  I know that this is where I'm supposed to be.  I've felt so strongly that the things I've experienced the last year have prepared me for this.  I just feel so grateful! I love you all! Con mucho amor!
Sister Abby Wobertson (my district found out I had a speach impediment when I was little so this is what I go by now)