Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Letter on July 28th

Hey Everyone!

Another great week here in Terryville.  This week we had our ward
missionary movie night.  We watched Ephraims rescue and we had a great
turn out! Sister Cook and I were in charge of the photo booth and I
must say we did a dang good job ;) We got some great pics of everyone!

We had some funny moments this week.  My favorite happened during our
ward correlation meeting.  Right as we started discussing our
investigators our ward correlator's wife screams, "--- THERE IS POOP ON
THE KITCHEN FLOOR!" No... it wasn't a missionary who pooped on the
floor... good guess though.  Ha her son is potty training and decided
he would rather poop (sorry mom... I mean messy...) on the floor than
in the toilet right in the middle of our meeting.  Made our meeting
pretty exciting.

Guess what else?! I mowed my first lawn this week! Yep... I'm not
joking... I'd never mowed a lawn before Saturday.  Don't worry we got
it all on video and everything.  It was a big day.  I only ran over
two big tree stumps too.  Haha we were helping Sister------
neighbor --- and she was out there just cracking up watching me.
I'm a pro now though.  Who would have thought I'd mow my first yard in
New York right?!

Our investigator --- came to church yesterday.  She is blind and so
her service dog came too.  She is the sweetest woman on the planet.
We are working with some amazing people and I feel so blessed to have
had them come into my life.  Missions are awesome! Sorry this is a
short letter this week.  We are headed to go play basketball.. yep...
basketball.  Who would have though I'd become a baller on my mission
too? Not I!  I hope you all have the best week EVER!

Miss you all!

Love, Sister Robertson
Sent from my iPad
1. Sister cook and I with the sign we made
2. reunited with Sister Joseph at Sister Conference
3. photo booth
4. more photo booth

Tuesday, July 22, 2014

Letter on July 21st

Hey Everyone!

Greetings from the promise land.... TERRYVILLE! I was transferred to
the Island last week and I LOVE it. My new companion is Sister Cook
and she is from Cokeville Wyoming...total population 500.  So its a
good things shes starting her mission out here on the island :) She is
great. We've already had so many adventures out here.

Speaking of adventures... last night we knocked a members door on
accident. Awesome right? They opened the door and we saw them all
sitting together in the living room and we were like wait a second...
we know you! It was awesome.  Definitely something that only happens
when you are blinded into an area. Pretty funny.

Also we've had some funny excuses lately knocking doors lately.  My
favorite was, "Sorry I had a birthday party a few days ago and I'm
really tired" Who gets a birthday party hang over for a whole week? Oh
the adventures of finding.

The ward here is awesome.  They are so willing to help us out... and
feed us... holy cow.  Haha Sister Cook and I keep joking that the
members here are really helping us grow.... not just spiritually but
physically too... in width. There is the cutest grandma in our ward,
Grandma Lugo.  On our first Sunday here kids STORMED the relief
society room after church.  I was like what in the world is
happening?! Turns out Grandma Lugo brings her treat bag every Sunday
to give the kids treats.  Its so awesome! I love the ward here and can
tell we are going to see miracles the next few transfers working

Well I hope you all had a great week.  Happy 24th of July!

Love, Sister Robertson
1. Yep... I'm still in NY
2. Taking advantage of free slurpee day
3. Yarn dolls from our investigator

Tuesday, July 1, 2014

Letter on June 30th

Hey Everyone ,

Happy Monday! Can't believe I'll have been out 6 months this week...
freaks me out.  I don't know where the time goes.  This week was
another busy one.  Our pool is booming right now.  We have been so
blessed.  I honestly can't believe I'm in the same area I was in when
I first got here.  It feels so different.  I LOVE Astoria.  I'll
definitively be leaving a piece of my heart here when I go.

Speaking of which transfers are this week.  We will find out Saturday
if any of us are leaving. There is a chance we could stay in a trio
but we will see.  This week we were in charge of our zone finding
activity.  We gave out free lemonade.  It was so much fun and was
pretty successful.  Except for when one woman walk passed an Elder
pulled her kids close and yelled, "Don't drink the koolaid kids...
Don't drink the koolaid" Maybe you had to be there but it was pretty

I had a huge tender mercy happen this week.  I'm sure most of you know
about Kendall, the boy I dated who passed away from colon cancer. Well
this week I looked up a less active we've been trying to meet with on
facebook and Kendall was a mutual friend.  We'd been talking with her
already so I texted her and asked how she knew him.  Well guess
what?!? She is his cousin! How crazy is that?! Shes been pretty hard
to get in with so we are praying her heart will be softened. I know
Kendalls probably just been up there waiting and waiting for me to
figure it out. Pretty cool and another testament to me that God is in
the details :)

I hope you have all had a great week and enjoy your Fourth of July.  I
miss you all! XOXO

Sister Robertson