Monday, March 24, 2014

Letter on March 24th

Hey Everyone!

Another awesome week in Astoria! Busy... but awesome.  We had a pretty
crazy family home evening on Monday.  We were teaching a less active
woman about family home evening last week when she invited the member
with us over to help her have one.  The member was like are you sure?
I have 5 kids and your apartments pretty small... but she insisted. So
we crowded 13 people in 1 TINY apartment for a joint family home
evening.  It was craziness.  I was so glad I had the FHE games you
sent me mom.  We played the one about making choices correct choices
to get to heaven and the kids LOVED it.  They were so cute clapping
for each other when one made the right choice.  The ice cream after
was madness.  13 people... 4 bowls..... 7 crazy kids... you get the

On Wednesday Sister Joseph went to the temple so guess who I got to be
companions with for the day... Sister Lugo! It was the best.  Reunited
at last. We had some great ellipticals this week.  At one we had a
table set up with family proclamations and church dvds. It was funny
to see peoples reaction when they found out they were free.  It was
super cool though to be able to explain the family proclamation and
bear my testimony on families.  Families are the best! We also had a
shoe shining elliptical on Saturday.  It was so cool to watch other
missionaries shining shoes and to think of Christ washing his
disciples feet.  Talk about the ultimate act of service.  I love being
a representative of Christ.  I have never felt his presence stronger
in my life.  I feel privileged to be serving here in New York- I love
the people here so much and have already met so many individuals who
have changed my life. I feel so blessed. Thanks for supporting me :) I
love you all!

Till Next week,
Sister Robertson

P.S.  You know you are living in New York when you start having dreams
that pigeons are flying at your head and wake up swatting them...
yep... that happened.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Letter on March 17th 2014

Hey Everyone!

So... I love being a missionary. We saw so many miracles happen this
week, it was incredible.  The Lord really is hastening his work. On
Wednesday I was on exchanges in Little Neck with Hermana H.  We
made a goal in the morning to teach the restoration... so naturally
right after that all our appointments canceled on us.  We ended up
going to see a less active... who wasn't home so we knocked the home
behind her house.  The nicest man from Elsalvador came to the door and
we were able to teach him and his wife about the restoration.  It was
the coolest experience- I couldn't understand anything Hermana H
was saying (it was in spanish) but felt the spirit strong when she
began talking about the first vision that i knew exactly where we were
in the lesson and was able to testify.  It was such a spiritual
experience for me and It was cool to see how we were led to teach this
man. We were able to accomplish our goal , but only in the way The
Lord wanted us to.  It was pretty sweet... church is true :)

Oh also later that night we took some dinner from the relief society
over to an investigator who had surgery.  We were carrying some sort
of chicken meal and didn't really know what was in it.  So right as we
get to the door Hermana H accidentally tipped it and dumped
chicken broth ALL over their mat and front door... of course. It was
too funny! We didn't know what to do.  I'm sure they left their
apartment later and wondered why everything smelled like chicken
broth.  Our bad.

Friday we had a lesson with a less active and basically just called
her to repentance.  It was the craziest experience.  Its really not in
my nature or Sister Josephs to be so bold but thats definitely what
the spirit told us to do so we were.  It was pretty incredible.  I
have never felt the spirit working through me like that.  Heavenly
Father knew what this sister needed to hear and how she needed to hear
it and we were just his tools to do so.  It was such a spiritual
experience.  We spoke so boldly and I felt so much power in what I was
saying but I would have never been able to say those things on my own.
 It was the craziest experience.  Missionary work is the greatest.

Well I hope everyone has had a good week.  I miss you all and am so
grateful for your support.  I really feel so blessed to have so many
awesome examples in my life.  Love you all!! xoxoxoXO :)

Sister Robertson

This day was SOOO windy. You are lucky I'm still here ;)

Monday, March 3, 2014

Letter on March 3rd


Hope everyone's having a great week! I miss you all! So last Monday
night was pretty hilarious. Sister Joseph and I went out to do an FHE
with a family and on the way home I could tell she was really thinking
hard about something... we almost missed our stop on the bus.  So we
get home and she starts cutting up one of those big black garbage
bags. I'm like, "What are you doing Sister Joseph? Making a dress?" Ha
thats when she told me, "Nah, just cutting my hair".  So thats what we
did. Cut 6 or 7 inches off Sister Joseph's hair.  I'd been sick so I'd
just taken Nyquil before the whole adventure began so the whole thing
was pretty comical.  At one point I told Sister Joseph, "I'm feeling
pretty dizzy right now are you sure you want me doing this?" But we
finished... with only a few tears (don't worry I caught them on
camera- such a nice companion I am) and It actually looks really cute!

Friday was also pretty crazy.  We went to help a ward member move and
were only supposed to be there a couple hours before the movers and
moving truck they hired came.  Well guess what... they never showed.
So this poor couple had to go rent their own truck and move all of
their stuff from their 5th floor apartment to another 5th floor
apartment across town. It was awesome though to see how many ward
members were there to help literally minutes after they found out what
was going on.  The ward members here are amazing.

Miracles happened this week in Astoria.  We were able to see almost
all the less actives we went to visit. They were somehow all home
exactly when we stopped by.  It was incredible.  I love being a
missionary :)

Sister Robertson